Sleek #11 Summer 2006 Straight|Twisted

Sleek #11 Summer 2006 Straight|Twisted

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Science tells us that having prejudices is a matter of survival. It would be too time-consuming to always start from scratch gathering information before arriving at a balanced view. By then we would have been devoured by a sabertooth tiger or crushed by a car. In these suspicious, politically correct times, however, this mechanism has its limits. Is twisted really what it seems? Or under closer scrutiny, is it really quite straightforward? Several of this issue's contributors formulate this question within a sexual context: whether butt/anal massages administered by AA Bronson, images of gender-bending by Risk Hazekamp, Elena Dorfman's work with sex-dolls or Thomas Weisskopf's portraits of individuals who are outside classic sexual stereotypes. But we were also interested in the formal aspects of our theme – which is how this issue suddenly turned quite hairy; which explains the curly heads of Ralph Mecke or Jen Ray’s illustrations, which incidently, you can now have as a t-shirt. Then there's Chrystl Rijkeboer with one of the most unsettling takes on hair: using human hair to knit masks and other objects (some members of our team were absolutely against featuring her work, because it reminded them too much of what was done with human hair during the Nazi times). How soothing, by contrast, are the straight and twisted lines in our section on abstract painting – at least according to our own prejudices. Your sleek team.