SLEEK for Charity


All proceeds go to the non-profit organization Living Gaia e.V.

Living Gaia e.V. has been supporting the Huni Kuin since 2013. The largest project is the land acquisition project.
An reserve of 17,000 hectares (one-fifth the size of Berlin) is being created to protect the forest and indigenous culture.

In addition to the land purchase, Living Gaia e.V. is raising money for the construction of a village, reforestation, agroforestry systems, ecotourism and an Amazon academy for knowledge exchange.
The goal is to build an indigenous, self-governing model project that shows that the forest is worth preserving more than it is worth cutting down. 


About the Artist Rita Huni Kuin:

Rita Huni Kuin, was born in 1994 in the Huni Kuin village of Chico Curumim, on the Rio Jordao river in the Amazon of Acre State Brazil. Currently residing in Jordao in the state of Acre. Mother of one daughter. Co-founder of the Huni Kuin Association Kaya tibu as well as co-founder and current secretary of the Huni Kuin Women's Association Ainbu Dayá. Check out her Instagram 


All artworks are limited to 10 Editions

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