Sleek #20 Autumn 2008 Big|Small

Sleek #20 Autumn 2008 Big|Small

Regular price €9,50 Sale

Five times four equals twenty. Twenty. Two Zero. 20. Seems like a smallish number. If you’re seventy and look back fondly at twenty, it seems charmingly insignificant. But if you’re five and look up to twenty, it’s huge. In dog years, twenty is one hundred and forty. Or maybe we should calculate in hours or better minutes or seconds or nanoseconds to push that number up to something that begins to reflect our sense of accomplishment at somehow someway reaching our twentieth issue.

Astronomer Carl Sagan spoke in awe of the billions and billions of galaxies in the universe. Inconceivable. Incomprehensible. So how does one even begin to deal with the trillions and trillions of reported global wealth lost in one day? Big or Small, everything it seems is indeed relative.

So in this issue, we’ve scoured the known universe to bring you art and fashion and those individuals who we feel can bring some perspective on themes of relativity and scale. It’s our Einsteinian issue, if you will. We’ll take you through on a journey through our curated collection of artists who’ve created their own miniature worlds, to those, like Jeff Koons, for whom size is everything. From lovely ladies stuffed in a box, to a fashion forward Gulliverienne dominating the world. And as an added bonus – succumbing and overcoming peer pressure in a big way – we’re presenting a sleek first: The most comprehensive, influential and simply greatest of all the greatest art world

rankings of all time!

We’re TWENTY!!! We’re here!!! We’re sleek!!! Onward to bigger numbers, bigger issues – simply the bestest ever!!!