Sleek #08 Autumn 2005 Light|Night

Sleek #08 Autumn 2005 Light|Night

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Mankind has been trying to shed light into the dark forever. In the beginning there was fire. Today there is the energy-saving light-bulb. And somewhere along the way there was Enlightenment, which the French hardly by coincidence called »Siècle des Lumières«. A »Century of Light« they were hoping would drive away the darkness of the Middle Ages. A bright idea, still relevant more than two hundred years on. Regrettably, some might say. The eighth edition of sleek magazine collects a number of contrasting points of view on brightness and darkness, light and night. For example, we were inspired by Jacqueline Humphries’ light paintings in the dark of the night. Or by Muhammad Ali, who ist he oinly person we actually believe, when he claims to be faster than light. Never mind Einstein. Also, we would like you to take a close look at our collection of light-bulbs. They reflect the great number of artists, who use light as a means of artistic expression – but possibly also because creative creatures are creatures of the night? Photographer Albrecht Fuchs sheds some light on this question in a series of artist portraits. By contrast, Stephanie Schneider’s Polaroids certainly don’t seem to shun the light at all. Their lustrous brightness whisks us back into our own past. And the Danish cult band we greatly admire, The Ravonettes, was kind enough to compose such fitting song texts for their new CD »Pretty in Black« that we just had to squeeze them into the »Light | Night« edition. The sleek team.